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Other MODs / Re: Unlock Your Datasette
« Last post by kumlauf on March 25, 2021, 08:41:18 PM »
Hi, I have a Datasette 1531 Board and some questions, hope u can help me here :)

1. Is this mod only working with datasette on C64 or is it also possible to use C16 Tap files?

2. At the moment I only can desolde some Caps out of my old mainboard, so is there a way to use an electrolytic cap with 50V / 10uF instead?

3. Is this here the right pic I can deal with?

Thanks for ur help :)
Tapecart SD / Setting up the Tapecart SD
« Last post by Remzi on March 07, 2021, 04:57:42 PM »

You need to format a micro SD card with FAT32 file system and unzip the file below,

Copy the contents inside the folder called sd to your SD card.Make sure browser.prg is at the root,otherwise you will get "Press Play on Tape" message.

You can use any micro SD card upto 32GB in capacity.Try to use 8 or 16GB even smaller if possible.Few users had problems with the 32GB ones.If you are using a Mac,it might create duplicate files on the SD card.

You can change any folder and file on the micro SD card but you need to keep the browser.prg at the root folder.You can find tons of games,demos,apps etc in PRG format at the following link,

You can load the browser by pressing the SHIFT and RUN/STOP keys or by typing LOAD command and pressing the RETURN key.

How to create TCRT files:

1.Download Tapecart Bundler.rar and open it to your desktop.
2.Copy your PRG files to the folder called PRG.You need minimum 2 PRG files.You can't convert a single PRG file to TCRT.
3.Double click Runme.bat. It wil create game-Vol#1.tcrt Rename it before moving to your SD card.
Pi1541 Zero & Epyx Fastloader Combo Cartridge / Setting up the cartridge and how to use
« Last post by Remzi on February 22, 2021, 10:39:29 AM »

Photo above is borrowed from Cem Tezcan's Blog.

First thing you need to do is format a micro SD card (up to 32GB) with FAT32 file system.
Download the following RAR file

unrar it to your desktop and copy the files inside the zerosd folder to the root.
Make sure start.elf,kernel.img,config.txt and the other files are on the root,otherwise Pi Zero will not boot.
Insert the micro SD card to the Raspberry Pi Zero,plug in the cartridge to your C64 and connect the serial cable.Turn it on and select a D64 file and mount it.
Use the C= and Run/Stop keys to autostart the first file on the disk image.But keep in mind,this doesn't always work.You might get a "FILE NOT FOUND" error.In this case type /* and press return.When it's loaded start it with the RUN command.

If you want to download selection of games,go to this website.

If you want to have it all,CLICK here.

How to update the Pi1541

Visit the Steve White's project page,

Find the download section and click on the link says,

Latest Version 1.X (Pi0/1)

That is the Kernel.img.Just replace your old one on the SD card with the new one and you are up to date.
Please note,version 1.24 has some bugs like activitiy light and buzzer not working.You might want to wait for the next release.

3D Printing the Case

Here is Cem Tezcan's 3D design,

If you are going to get this printed by someone else,make sure pick one option either the one with the M2 screws or the M2.5 screws.Otherwise you might get 2 sets of cases costing you twice.

If you don't have a 3D printer,join a 3D printing Facebook group and ask if anyone can print this for you.You might find some one willing to print this very cheap or even just the cost of the postage.
Other MODs / Re: Unlock Your Datasette
« Last post by Remzi on February 03, 2021, 12:25:12 PM »
Grand job mate.Nicely done.
Other MODs / Re: Unlock Your Datasette
« Last post by arkeine on February 01, 2021, 03:49:48 PM »
I've done it and it perfectly works. Thanks once again.
I made a youtube video of it (gave links to your website and YT channel as well):
Other MODs / Re: Unlock Your Datasette
« Last post by arkeine on January 21, 2021, 04:41:09 PM »
Çok teşekkürler, kondansatörü edinir edinmez deneyeceğim.
Video da açıklayıcı olmuş, elinize sağlık.
Other MODs / Re: Unlock Your Datasette
« Last post by Remzi on January 21, 2021, 12:59:47 PM »
Selam.Yapman gereken baglantilari asagidaki semada bulabilirsin.

Other MODs / Re: Unlock Your Datasette
« Last post by arkeine on January 20, 2021, 05:31:51 PM »

bu resimdeki bord resmini netten buldum. Bendeki bordun aynısı, yükle işlemini başarılı bir şekilde yaptım, fakat kasede kayıt yapmak için hangi pinlere lehim yapmam gerekiyor bulamadım.
Merhaba, eski bir c64 kullanıcısı olarak ben de bu modifikasyonu yapmaya çalışıyorum.
Yükleme işlemi için hangi lehim şemasını kullanacağız acaba? aynı board bende de var (1531).
kartın iki yüzünün fotoğraflarını da ekliyorum.
Other MODs / Re: Unlock Your Datasette
« Last post by arkeine on January 20, 2021, 05:18:08 PM »
bu resimdeki bord resmini netten buldum. Bendeki bordun aynısı, yükle işlemini başarılı bir şekilde yaptım, fakat kasede kayıt yapmak için hangi pinlere lehim yapmam gerekiyor bulamadım.
Merhaba, eski bir c64 kullanıcısı olarak ben de bu modifikasyonu yapmaya çalışıyorum.
Yükleme işlemi için hangi lehim şemasını kullanacağız acaba? aynı board bende de var (1531).
Other MODs / Re: Unlock Your Datasette
« Last post by backtogeek on December 30, 2020, 10:51:29 PM »

I managed to get good signal from that pin in the photo using a 100nf capacitor.You might also use a 100k resistor instead.

Brilliant, I really appreciate that!

I have plenty of 0.1uf electrolytic caps which seem to work fine also on other boards
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